I am growing a garden right now. It is such a fun and rewarding experience, besides the weeds. It is something that takes good work with pretty immediate rewards. I love to have the kids work with me. We plant a seed, it grows, and they know where our food comes from.
As I was out there working, I kept wiping my wet hands on my clothes. I knew I needed a Garden Apron. I copied the top neck-line of the Lotta Apron but then the arm holes and sides are different - not so close to the armpits and not wrapping all the way around your back. I added a pocket with the cutest little ball trim ever! I'll be using more of that stuff in the future!
This apron also looks cute with the ties going around the waist twice and tied in back. The pocket really is the key to the usefulness of this apron.
I love this one especially. The yellow trim is perfect! I'd love to use it on throw pillows.